The scope of TURCOM includes areas within the media and communication disciplines such as Public Relations, Advertising, Interpersonal Communication, Radio, Television, Cinema, Digital Communication, Digital Culture, Communication Sciences, New Media, Visual Communication, and Journalism. With the aim of bringing together different approaches within the communication discipline, TURCOM provides a high-quality and effective academic platform for scholars working in these fields.
TURCOM accepts submissions in various formats within the subfields of the communication discipline. Texts such as Research Articles, Theoretical Articles, Reviews, Commentaries/Critiques, Book Reviews, Translations, and Conference Reviews can be submitted to the journal. Among these, Research Articles, Theoretical Articles, and Reviews undergo peer review, while the publication suitability of other submissions is determined solely by the editorial review process.
Articles submitted for review should align with the aims and scope of the journal. Submissions must be original and not under consideration by any other journal. It is essential that the content and submission of the manuscript have been approved by the author(s). Articles are to be submitted through the Dergipark website. Article submissions are open throughout the year, but in case of an accumulation of articles, the editorial team may close the system during certain periods. For special or thematic issues, the journal's editorial team may announce a specific submission deadline. Articles accepted for publication but not included in an issue will be published as early view and assigned to an issue in order.
TURCOM accepts submissions in both Turkish and English.
Within the framework of its academic publishing in the fields of communication and social sciences, TURCOM aims to provide high-quality academic knowledge to academics, civil society workers, communication industry professionals, and undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students.
Submitting articles to TURCOM is entirely free of charge. Authors are not required to pay any fees at any stage of the submission or review process. The journal is financially and editorially independent and does not accept advertisements or sponsorships.
The copyright for all works published in our journal remains with the authors. By submitting their intellectual work, the authors grant TURCOM permission to publish it under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
TURCOM is committed to adhering to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines regarding the responsibilities of the editorial team, the editorial board, reviewers, and authors during the review process. Articles submitted to TURCOM are first evaluated by the editor for compliance with writing rules, plagiarism checks, and publication policies. Works deemed suitable for review are then sent to two expert reviewers, following a double-blind peer review process. After the peer review, the final decision on the work is made by the editor.
In line with ethical publishing practices, submissions to our journal are regularly checked for plagiarism using tools such as and Submissions with a similarity rate exceeding 10% are returned. Additionally, submissions with a similarity rate below 10% but containing instances of plagiarism will also be returned. Furthermore, our journal adheres to COPE’s stance on the responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence, requiring authors to disclose the use of AI tools clearly and transparently.
Authors who wish to contribute to our journal with their work must upload the following documents in the article submission system:
1- Full text including author information (Article template)
2- Anonymized full text without author information (Anonymized Article Template)
5- Ethical Committee Statement (if applicable)
A Dergipark membership is required to view the files above. To access them without a Dergipark membership, please visit.Please pay attention to the detailed points specified below while preparing your submission.
1-Articles submitted for evaluation at TURCOM should be written in an appropriate academic language, have a clear theoretical and methodological background, and these aspects should be systematically expressed within the text.
2- Articles should include a Turkish title, an English title, a Turkish abstract (150-200 words), an English abstract (150-200 words), Turkish keywords (5), English keywords (5), introduction, conceptual background, methodology, analysis/discussion of findings, conclusion, acknowledgments, and bibliography. For articles written in Turkish, an extended English summary (750-1000 words) summarizing the conceptual background and findings of the study must be included. The extended summary should follow the bibliography.
4- If the article is derived from a thesis or conference paper, this should be clearly stated on the first page.
5- Our journal accepts articles derived from theses. The publication of these articles, like other articles, will occur based on peer review and editorial decisions. Reviewers or editors may request revisions. To be published, articles derived from theses must address revision requests. Articles derived from theses that are not revised according to the reviewers' or editors' comments will be returned. Please do not request expedited processing of your article on the grounds of needing it before your doctoral thesis defense. Your article will be processed equally with other submissions to the journal.
6- Review articles should not consist solely of a literature summary. These studies should provide a critical approach to the existing literature, discuss different methodological approaches, and highlight gaps to offer recommendations for future research. Studies that include only a summary will be considered in the 'Commentary-Critique' section.
7- Articles must be formatted according to the templates provided above and uploaded to the system.
8- Articles must be submitted with in-text citations and bibliographies formatted according to APA 7 using reference management tools such as EndNote or Microsoft Word Office. Manuscripts with improperly formatted bibliographies, static text, or manually created references and bibliographies will be returned to the author.
9- The word limit for articles is 8,500, including the Turkish abstract, English abstract, keywords, footnotes, acknowledgments, and bibliography (excluding the extended English summary for Turkish articles).
10- Articles can be submitted in either Turkish or English.
11- Authors considering submitting articles in English should ensure their texts are polished with the necessary editorial support and submitted in a proper language. Articles that do not meet language standards will not be accepted for the publication process and will be returned.
12- The word limit for book reviews, conference reviews and commentaries is 3,000, including footnotes and bibliography.
13- Articles should be submitted through our website by clicking the 'Submit Article' button.
14- "When submitting articles, authors must also upload the "Copyright Form" and "Conflict of Interest Form".
15- According to the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Index criteria, for all research involving the use of humans or animals as subjects or data sources, ethical committee approval must be obtained and uploaded to the system during the article submission process. Additionally, information about the ethical committee approval must be included on the first page of the article and in the methodology section, as per the template. Articles without ethical committee approval will be returned.
16- If artificial intelligence tools have been used in the article, this must be reported using the 'Artificial Intelligence Usage Declaration Form' during the submission process and additionally noted in the METHODOLOGY section of the article. There is an ongoing debate among publishers and editors about the boundaries of using AI tools in academic writing. COPE's position statement (February 2023) asserts that AI tools like ChatGPT cannot be listed as authors. Authors must disclose AI usage in the Methods section, specifying how and which tools were used. They are fully responsible for all content, including AI-generated parts, and must ensure compliance with publication ethics. In a COPE Forum discussion (March 2023), it was noted that AI tools can be beneficial, particularly for non-native English speakers or those with writing difficulties. However, transparency and responsibility in AI use are crucial. While this discussion is not a formal position statement, we suggest academics follow these ethical guidelines. Authors submitting to TURCOM should clearly state any AI tools used, the reasons for their use, and which parts of the paper were AI-assisted. A file should be prepared in the template provided above as "AI Use Statement" and uploaded to the system during the application process. As the editorial team, we continue to closely monitor developments related to artificial intelligence and publishing. Should any position statement be published on this topic, we will update our policies accordingly.
17- The style guidelines that will help you properly format your text are presented below.
Font and Size:* According to APA 7, the accepted fonts are Times New Roman (12-point), Arial (11-point), Calibri (11-point), or Georgia (11-point).
* Line spacing should be double.
Page Numbering:
* All pages should be numbered in the top right corner.
Paragraph Format:
* The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1.27 cm (1/2 inch).
* No extra space should be left between paragraphs, and double line spacing should continue.
Heading Levels:
APA 7 uses a five-level heading system, which should be formatted as follows:
* First Level: Centered, bold, and each major word capitalized.
* Second Level: Left-aligned, bold, and each major word capitalized.
* Third Level: Left-aligned, bold, italicized, and each major word capitalized.
* Fourth Level: Indented, bold, only the first word of the sentence capitalized, with a period at the end.
* Fifth Level: Indented, bold, italicized, only the first word of the sentence capitalized, with a period at the end.
Direct Quotes:
* Quotes fewer than 40 words: Include the quote within the text using quotation marks. The citation appears in parentheses at the end of the quote. Example: Ahmed (2012) emphasizes "the participants' experiences" (p. 50).
* Quotes of 40 or more words: Should be placed in a separate, indented paragraph (1.27 cm from both sides), without quotation marks. The citation appears in parentheses at the end of the quote. Example:
The majority of participants discussed similar experiences of social exclusion. Ahmed (2012) explains:
Most participants emphasized the intersectionality of their exclusion experiences. Often, this manifests as a sense of isolation felt in environments where racial diversity is insufficient (p. 123).
Writing Numbers:
* Numbers between 0 and 9 should be written in words: "three participants," "nine days."
* Numbers 10 and above should be written in digits: "15 people," "20 examples."
* If a number starts a sentence, it should be written in words: "Twelve participants..."
Use of Italics and Quotation Marks:
* Italics should be used for book titles, reports, legal documents, and journal names.
* Quotation marks should be used for special terms or to emphasize specific phrases within a sentence.
Tables and Figures:
* Each table and figure should be numbered and labeled with a title. The title should appear above the table or figure and should not be italicized.
* Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered consecutively. The font size should be 10-point.
In-Text Citations:
According to APA 7, in-text citations should include the author's last name and the publication year. If a direct quote is used, the page number must also be provided.
* Single Author: (Ahmed, 2012)
* Two Authors: (Smith & Brown, 2020)
* Three or More Authors: (Jones et al., 2018)
* Direct Quote: (Ahmed, 2012, p. 45)
The formats for various source types such as books, articles, and book chapters are outlined below. In book and article titles, only the first word is capitalized, with all other words starting with lowercase letters. DOIs are included for book chapters.
* Author’s last name, First initial. (Publication year). Book title: Only the first letter capitalized. Publisher.
Example: Ahmed, S. (2012). On being included: Racism and diversity in institutional life. Duke University Press.
Book Chapter:
* Author’s last name, First initial. (Publication year). Chapter title. In A. Editor’s Last Name & B. Editor’s Last Name (Eds.), Book title: Only the first letter capitalized (pp. page range). Publisher. DOI ...
Example: Smith, J. A. (2018). Chapter title. In R. Johnson & K. Lee (Eds.), The guide to modern education (pp. 123-145). Oxford University Press. DOI ...
* Author’s last name, First initial. (Publication year). Article title. Journal Name, volume(issue), page range.
Example: Doe, J. (2021). The impact of communication. Journal of Communication Studies, 30(2), 100-115. DOI ...
Web Source:
* Format: Author’s last name, First initial. (Year, Day Month). Article title. Website Name. URL ...
Example: Yılmaz, E. (2022, September 5). Social media trends. Internet News. URL ...
Additional Notes:
* Number of Authors: Use “&” for two authors, and “et al.” for three or more authors.
* Page Numbers: When citing directly, page numbers (p. or pp.) should be provided.
* DOI and URL: For digital sources, include the DOI if available; if not, use the URL.
For more detailed information on APA 7 Style:
It is crucial for authors submitting manuscripts to our journal to pay attention to the following ethical responsibilities:
1. Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their submissions are entirely original and do not involve copying or imitating other works without proper citation. Ideas, data, or expressions from others must be clearly quoted and referenced.
2. Multiple, Simultaneous Submission: Authors should be aware that submitting the same work or significantly similar content to multiple journals simultaneously is an ethical violation. Information must be provided if a work is published elsewhere or under review.
3. Citation: Authors are required to appropriately reference all sources used in their work. Individuals who have made significant contributions to the research but do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged in the work.
4. Authorship and Contributor List: Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made significant contributions to the work. Authors should be listed in the correct order according to their level of contribution. Individuals who contributed to the work but are not listed as authors should be thanked. Each author must approve the final version of the work and accept responsibility for the accuracy of the content submitted.
5. Data Access and Retention: Authors should be prepared to provide raw data from their research to the editorial board or appropriate oversight bodies upon request and ensure that data is stored in a manner that supports the accuracy of the results presented for an appropriate period.
6. Conflicts of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that could influence their research or opinions. Such disclosures should be made on the platform where the work is published.
7. Human and Animal Research: Authors must confirm that all studies involving human and animal subjects have obtained the necessary ethical approvals and that research has been conducted according to ethical principles. The privacy of volunteer subjects must be respected and their rights protected.
8. Post-Publication Corrections and Retractions: Authors should promptly notify the journal editor if they identify significant errors or inaccuracies in a published work and cooperate in correcting or retracting the work. Erroneous publications should be corrected to ensure the accuracy of the scientific record.
9. Cooperation During Review Process: Authors should cooperate by providing any additional information requested by reviewers or editors during the evaluation of their submitted manuscript. They should be transparent in providing supplementary documents and responding to queries.
1. Direct Plagiarism: Copying text or expressions from another author's work word-for-word and using it without citation. This is the most common and explicit type of plagiarism.
2. Partial Plagiarism: Taking specific sections or expressions from another work, making minor changes, and presenting it as one's own. Even paraphrased texts are considered plagiarism if not properly cited.
3. Self-Plagiarism: Presenting previously published work as new by including the same or significantly similar sections. This often occurs when an author submits the same work to multiple journals.
4. Mosaic Plagiarism: Combining sentences or phrases from different sources and presenting them as original text. This type of plagiarism occurs if the text's different sections are assembled and restructured without proper citation.
5. Citation Manipulation: Providing citations or information from sources that are not accurate, or giving false or fabricated sources, falls under plagiarism.
6. Failure to Cite: Using data, ideas, methods, or results from another work without proper citation or acknowledgment is another form of plagiarism.
Performing any of the above types of plagiarism, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is against the rules of academic integrity and is not accepted by Turkish Review of Communication Studies. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarism will be withdrawn from the publication process, and the authors will be notified. These ethical violations are unacceptable in Turkish Review of Communication Studies, and necessary sanctions will be applied if detected.
Turkish Review of Communication Studies requires the application of high ethical standards in research involving humans or animals. Authors must adhere to the following considerations to ensure research ethics:
1. Ethics Committee Approval:
* For experiments and field research involving humans or animals, approval from the relevant institutional ethics committee must be obtained.
* Ethics committee approval must be uploaded during the manuscript submission process. Manuscripts without ethics committee approval will be returned without review.
2. Design and Conduct of Research:
* The design, review, and conduct of the research should adhere to principles of integrity, quality, and transparency.
* Research teams and participants must be fully informed about the purpose, methods, and potential uses of the research. Clear and concise information about the requirements and potential risks should be provided.
3. Participant Privacy and Dignity:
* The confidentiality of information provided by research participants must be protected. The autonomy and dignity of participants should be respected in the research design.
* Participants should voluntarily take part in the research without coercion. Measures should be taken to avoid harm to participants; the research should be planned to minimize risk.
4. Independence and Conflict of Interest:
* Research independence must be clearly stated; any conflicts of interest should be explicitly disclosed.
5. Informed Consent:
* For experimental studies involving human subjects, written informed consent must be obtained from participants. Legal consent is required for children, individuals under guardianship, or those with mental health issues.
6. Institutional Approval:
* If the research is conducted in any institution or organization, approval from that institution must be obtained.
7. Method Section Disclosure:
* In studies involving human subjects, the "Methods" section of the manuscript should state that "informed consent" was obtained from participants and that ethics committee approval was received from the institution where the research was conducted.
Our journal expects strict adherence to these rules to ensure compliance with research ethics and prioritizes the maintenance of ethical standards.
Identifying and Proposing Translation Texts: The translation editor identifies significant texts that shed light on current debates in the fields of communication and media studies, particularly those with international recognition and unique contributions. They provide recommendations on the suitability of these texts for inclusion in the journal to the editor and editorial board.
Working Under Editorial Guidance: The translation editor undertakes translation projects proposed by the editorial board or the editor and ensures that the texts are directly translated into the national language while adhering to academic standards.
Bringing International Works to the National Academy: In line with the journal’s mission, the translation editor translates internationally acclaimed academic works to make them accessible to national readers, thus enriching the national academic landscape.
Coordinating the Translation Process: The translation editor meticulously prepares translations, ensuring fidelity to the original texts and compliance with national language norms. They oversee necessary revisions and conduct final checks to maintain quality.
Interdisciplinary Communication and Contribution: To enhance discussions in the field, the translation editor contributes to the national academic community by delivering high-quality translations and supporting the journal’s strategic goals in fostering scholarly dialogue.
Reviewers for the Turkish Review of Communication Studies play a crucial role in the academic publishing process and are required to fulfill their responsibilities in the review process diligently. The fundamental principles and recommendations for reviewers are listed below:
1. Double-Blind Review Principle: Reviewers must adhere to the double-blind review process and meet its requirements. To avoid any potential acquaintance between the reviewer and author, reviewers are selected from different institutions, and manuscripts are submitted without author information. If a reviewer recognizes the author upon seeing the manuscript, they should notify the editor and withdraw from the review.11. Adherence to Journal Goals: Turkish Review of Communication Studies is listed in prestigious international indexes, and reviewers are expected to adopt a constructive and critical approach aligned with the journal’s goals.
12. Detection of Plagiarism: Submitted manuscripts undergo similarity checks with and iThenticate before the review process. If plagiarism that is not detected by the program or occurs during revisions is identified, reviewers should inform the editors.
13. Post-Review Responsibilities: Confidentiality regarding the manuscript and review process continues even after the review is completed. Reviewers should respond to revision and resubmission requests. Any new situations that may affect the review should be reported to the editors.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. As Turkish Review of Communication Studies, we commit to fulfilling our responsibilities within the context of publishing ethics. We pledge to reflect the latest developments in our principles as quickly as possible in light of new ethical discussions shaping the current publishing world.
No fees are required to submit and publish articles.
All articles published in the Turkish Review of Communication Studies are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.